Biz4Fun, Let’s have fun with the business start-up

Results of the project

The main objective of Biz4Fun is to increase the competitiveness of young, mostly inexperienced people, on the job market in partners‘ countries. Young people usually have many various ideas, but it is very difficult to realize those projects due to a lack of courage, funds or capacities.
The project activities and results addressed to a wide target group: young students, unemployed young people, teachers/tutors, youth centres, universities, training agencies, VET organisations, startups and business incubators.
In order to contribute to increasing young people’s occupability, Biz4Fun aims to develop and test:
  • A course curriculum for the development of entrepreneurial competencies;
  • ABiz4Fun multimedia platform containing the selected educational material (OERs) and the learning scenarios in a 3D environment (social games);
  • Handbook for Biz4Fun Social game.


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