
The European Grants International Academy Srl has a long-term experience in setting up and coordinating strategic partnerships for the implementation of projects financed by public and private funds. EGInA cooperates with a team of project managers expert in the management and reporting of European Commission structural and centralised funds. They all have academic-professional backgrounds in the fields of education and vocational training, digital innovation with social impact, enhancement of cultural heritage and sustainable development.


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Digcomp HUB


DigComp Hub – Promoting the adoption of the European Digital Competence Framework for Citizens (DigComp) through the development of the DigComp HubThe DigComp Hub (DCH),

EDIFY_EDU, Equality, Diversity, Inclusion For improving the qualitY of Management EDUcation

The project addresses the skills gap in the sector of Management education with regards to competencies on equality, diversity, and inclusion (from now on EDI),

BLISS, Boosting health LIteracy for School Students

BLISS – Boosting health LIteracy for School Students – KA220-SCH – is a two-year cooperation project in the field of school education. BLISS aims to

AI4AL, Artificial Intelligence 4 Adult Learning

AI-based solutions can transform adult learning provision by leading to improved skills assessment and tailor-made learning opportunities. The overall goal of AI4AL is to facilitate a mindful

ECOLitAct, Eco-Literacy and Green Education for Climate Action

Eco-Literacy and Green Education for Climate Action, shortened to ECOLitAct, is a 30-months Erasmus-funded project aiming to develop an innovative, inclusive, self-paced and adaptable approach

Sharing Design Your Job

The Sharing Design Your Job is an Eramus+ project that aims to enhance developed ICT educational programs and create complementarity with the needs of the

YOU_WEEN! YOUng Women grEen ENtrepreneurs

The aim of the Erasmus+YOU_WEEN! project is to train young women in rural areas on sustainable development, entrepreneurship and innovation by involving them in grass-roots

Social Tech Academy

The Social Tech Academy project aims to provide the keys to entry and orientation in the digital transformation of the social economy by discovering the

ADELE, Advancing Digital Empowerment of Libraries in Europe

DELE – Advancing Digital Empowerment of Libraries in Europe – is an Erasmusplus KA220 project. Digital technologies have profoundly changed our personal, professional and educational

Happy School, school favourable to mental health

Happy School – school favourable to mental health – is a KA220 Erasmusplus project focused on mental health at school. The COVID-19 crisis has caused