The European Grants International Academy Srl has a long-term experience in setting up and coordinating strategic partnerships for the implementation of projects financed by public and private funds. EGInA cooperates with a team of project managers expert in the management and reporting of European Commission structural and centralised funds. They all have academic-professional backgrounds in the fields of education and vocational training, digital innovation with social impact, enhancement of cultural heritage and sustainable development.
DELE – Advancing Digital Empowerment of Libraries in Europe – is an Erasmusplus KA220 project. Digital technologies have profoundly changed our personal, professional and educational
The project DHeLiDA: Digital Health Literacy for Disadvantaged Adults is a European cooperation project aimed at improving the digital health literacy among vulnerable target groups,
The WINBIZ project involves migrant women or women with a non-Western background, with medium-high levels of education, in a training pathway aimed at enabling the
In an increasingly globalized society, there is a need for vocational and adult education policies to be adjusted and internationalized accordingly. Erasmus+KA2 project IQ-digitS has
The DIGIAGRIMARK KA2 Project aims to contribute to digitalisation in agriculture and so improving the economic and environmental sustainability of the agricultural sector through improving
Level Up aims at developing the digital skills of low-skilled adults with blue (or pink)-collar occupations in order to support them to face the digital
Across the EU there are divergent policies on people who use or have used drugs and alcohol. In terms of employability and employment opportunities for
The project scales up the Digital Invasion methodology, which was developed in Italy. The methodology improves the digital and communication skills of cultural operators, helping
Over the past few years, due to the digitalization process, it has become crucial to have excellent digital knowledge and skills in order to meet
The Erasmus+ project “Fit 4 Digital Linguistic Education” aims at 1) creating a European knowledge of digital competences for language educators and 2) providing the
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EGInA – European Grants International Academy