Social Hacking


Social event of digital co-creation!

The first edition of the Social Hackathon Umbria – #SHU2016 – was promoted at the final event of the project Generation0101, and it immediately demonstrated to have a positive and sustainable impact on all actors involved in the process of co-creating digital solutions to societal challenges.

The initiative has been implemented in the last nine years involving an increasing number of participants (from 80 in 2016 to more than 360 in 2024) who have benefited from various training, capacity building, and networking activities carried out over a period of 3-4 months.

The Social Hackathon Umbria aims to develop the digital skills of young people through preparatory training for a Hackathon aimed at co-creating innovative digital solutions that can enhance individuals and Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations 2030 Agenda.

Since the last edition in 2024, the main event has been joined by a new competition dedicated to those who prefer making to coding. SHU Young Makers edition aims to engage secondary school students participating in SHU in designing interventions that enhance the host village through beauty, inclusion and sustainability, fully embracing the goals and principles of the New European Bauhaus!

Stories and figures from #SHU

The past editions of the Social Hackathon Umbria
have focused on:

Thanks to Social Hackaton Umbria we involved:

  • 1500 people among NEET, unemployed young people and refugees who have attended one or more training courses, with an average duration of 30 hours each focused on web design, online collaboration tools, e-journalism, coding, mobile application development, digital videos, video game development, digital storytelling, augmented reality content production and graphic design.
  • 180 organisations among non-profit organisations, social enterprises, associations, public bodies and individual social innovators across Europe. All of them have applied with a proposal for the development of a digital solution to a social problem.
  • 600 high school students, who attended the event at different levels: as members of co-development teams, supporting the media coverage team, participating in parallel events and workshops.
  • 65 concrete digital solutions (6 per year), which have been developed and shared under Creative Commons CC BY-NC 3.0 EN