Acceasy, (easy to read, easy to access), within the Intellectual Output No.2, has published « Support Manual for Cultural Heritage Professionals ».
The “Easy to read, Easy to Access (Acceasy)” project constitutes a European action funded under the framework of Erasmus+. It belongs to the Key Action 2 Strategic Partnerships for Adult Education “Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices” and it attempts to tackle the basic EU priorities for adult education focusing on the constant improvement and extension of the provision of high-quality learning opportunities.
The project consortium consists of very experienced organizations, and it is coordinated by Fundación Aspanias Burgos (Spain) as a lead partner while the rest of the partners are:
- IMS Research & Development (Cyprus)
- Cyprus Autism Association (Cyprus)
- E-Code (Slovakia)
- aCapo società cooperativa sociale integrata (Italy)
- European Grants International Academy SRL (Italy)
The methodological approach of the “Acceasy” partnership facilitates the efficient transferring of knowledge in terms of cultural heritage as well as training between different education and training fields which in the end will enrich the final program in a multi-beneficial way for all the involved partners and their national contexts.
The European project “Acceasy” attempts to address the needs of a very specific and at the same time vulnerable target group – that consists of people with Intellectual Disabilities. One of the basic project’s objectives is to understand in detail the challenges faced by people with intellectual disabilities in terms of social inclusion and being able to enjoy places of cultural heritage while working to facilitate easy access to such places.