L’European Grants International Academy Srl a de nombreuses années d’expérience dans l’établissement et la coordination de partenariats stratégiques pour la mise en œuvre de projets financés par des fonds privés ou publics. EGIna collabore avec une équipe de chefs de projet experts dans la gestion et le reporting des fonds structurels centralisés de la Commission européenne. Ils disposent d’une formation académique ainsi que professionnelle dans les domaines de l’innovation numérique à impact social, de l’éducation et de la formation professionnelle, de la valorisation du patrimoine culturel et du développement durable.
Transnational Business Groups is a KA2 strategic partnership (VET) that aims at transferring the model of the initiative “A Scuola d’Impresa” (“At School of Business”)
The ECVET Recommendation invites European Countries to apply quality assurance when using ECVET. The main aim of the Project is to enlighten VET stakeholders on
“Much entrepreneurship education practice tends to be ad hoc, varies vastly in quantity and quality, is not treated systematically in the curriculum and has relied
GOOD FOOD IS GOOD MOOD is implemented in three European countries (Macedonia, Portugal and Italy) and aims at: Improving the employability of students with less
The VET sector faces various challenges in its course to progression: limited teamwork and exchange of good practices between VET institutions, low social recognition of
The PRO-LEARN project responds to the Europe 2020 priorities in the area of education and training, youth and early school leaving in the context of
Over the past few years, due to the digitalization process, it has become crucial to have excellent digital knowledge and skills in order to meet
The project aims to develop a new VET qualification in the tourism sector. This qualification mixes both Tourism and IT skills, meeting the market new
The Erasmus+ project “Fit 4 Digital Linguistic Education” aims at 1) creating a European knowledge of digital competences for language educators and 2) providing the
The project aims to preserve and pass on cultural heritage through generations finding solutions to the new challenges it is facing today. The objective is
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EGInA – European Grants International Academy
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