European Grants International Academy Srl verfügt über langjährige Erfahrung im Aufbau und in der Koordinierung strategischer Partnerschaften für die Durchführung von Projekten, die mit öffentlichen und privaten Mitteln finanziert werden. EGInA arbeitet mit einem Team von Projektmanager:innen zusammen, die Erfahrung in der Verwaltung und Berichterstattung von strukturellen und zentralisierten Fonds der Europäischen Kommission haben und über einen akademisch-professionellen Hintergrund in den Bereichen allgemeine und berufliche Bildung, digitale Innovation mit sozialen Auswirkungen, Aufwertung des kulturellen Erbes und nachhaltige Entwicklung verfügen.


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A successful edition for the Blended Course for Project Proposal Writing

The fourth edition of the Blended Course for Project Proposal Writing (KA2) successfully concluded in Foligno, hosted at the Centro Studi from November 4 to

EGInA’s project writing experience arrived in Jamaica

From October 26 to 29, Altheo Valentini, Nadine Innocenzi, and Lucrezia Rapo participated in a training course in Kingston, Jamaica, on Grant Proposal Writing, hosted by the Planning Institute of

SIJour, Social Innovation Journey

It came to an end the Erasmus+ project SIJOUR – Social Innovation Journey – promoted short-term mobilities of Learners and Staff in the field of

Reels Contest „RARE REELS: Pegaso goes digital!”

L’Istituto Superiore di Sanità, attraverso il Laboratorio di Health Humanities del Centro Nazionale Malattie Rare (, e UNIAMO Federazione Italiana Malattie Rare (, Agenzia Italiana

The LINEup project is inviting to the Opening Event in Germany


On September 20, 2024 (9.00 am – 3.00 pm) the Horizon project „LINEup“ Opening Event will take place in Germany, at „Karlsruhe University of Education – PHKA“

The LINEup project is inviting to the Opening Event in Germany


On September 20, 2024 (9.00 am – 3.00 pm) the Horizon project „LINEup“ Opening Event will take place in Germany, at „Karlsruhe University of Education – PHKA“

EcoFarm4Prisons, join the International Round Table

On April 16-17, 2024 in Witzenhausen, Germany, an international roundtable will be held in which good practices, experiences on agriculture and sustainability at the European

Nurturing Well-being: The Conclusion of the Happy School Project


In February 2024, the curtains closed on the Happy School Project, a groundbreaking initiative designed to cultivate a school environment conducive to mental health. Born

SHIFT4IT: Launch of the Project to Transform the Role of Women in the IT Sector!

The IT sector is among the fastest-growing industries globally, and jobs in the fields of computing and information technology are continually in demand in the

Erasmus+, le scuole umbre volano in Giappone


Ad Aprile 2024, grazie al supporto del programma europeo per l‘istruzione, la formazione, la gioventù e lo sport Erasmus+, alcune scuole umbre voleranno in Giappone.