European Grants International Academy Srl verfügt über langjährige Erfahrung im Aufbau und in der Koordinierung strategischer Partnerschaften für die Durchführung von Projekten, die mit öffentlichen und privaten Mitteln finanziert werden. EGInA arbeitet mit einem Team von Projektmanager:innen zusammen, die Erfahrung in der Verwaltung und Berichterstattung von strukturellen und zentralisierten Fonds der Europäischen Kommission haben und über einen akademisch-professionellen Hintergrund in den Bereichen allgemeine und berufliche Bildung, digitale Innovation mit sozialen Auswirkungen, Aufwertung des kulturellen Erbes und nachhaltige Entwicklung verfügen.
The Erasmus+ project „In-Salads“ aims to promote sustainability in the field of food and nutrition by involving adults and their educators in a process of
The CIRCULAR4Hospitality project: ‘E-Training toolkit for managers of sustainability for the integration of the circularity strategy in the hotel sector’ is a European initiative designed
Utilising the New European Bauhaus (NEB) Compass as a foundation and starting point, we will create and implement a comprehensive and homogeneous framework to assess
Today’s students need to be better equipped to cope with a world of work whose characteristics are increasingly distant from those of past generations. The
This project builds on the work of the highly successful Fit for Digital Linguistic Education Erasmus+ project (2020-2023: The same group of dedicated project
Il progetto ENNE+ amplierà le buone pratiche della metodologia Social Hackademy, adattandola al sistema di istruzione e formazione professionale (IFP) e testandola direttamente in 4
While the world of work continually goes through changes and experiences challenges and turmoil, one thing stays constant and will remain so in the future:
The project aims to foster the social inclusion of young people with a migrant background through the development of an entrepreneurial mindset that supports them
The Erasmus+ project “EcoFarms4Prisons” – Cooperation for the improvement of sustainable and organic social farming practices in prison – started in September 2023, and it
The project aims at digital skilling up of healthcare professionals towards supporting the ever-demanding TeleCareservices. In this respect, it connects the development of digital competence
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EGInA – European Grants International Academy
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