European Grants International Academy Srl verfügt über langjährige Erfahrung im Aufbau und in der Koordinierung strategischer Partnerschaften für die Durchführung von Projekten, die mit öffentlichen und privaten Mitteln finanziert werden. EGInA arbeitet mit einem Team von Projektmanager:innen zusammen, die Erfahrung in der Verwaltung und Berichterstattung von strukturellen und zentralisierten Fonds der Europäischen Kommission haben und über einen akademisch-professionellen Hintergrund in den Bereichen allgemeine und berufliche Bildung, digitale Innovation mit sozialen Auswirkungen, Aufwertung des kulturellen Erbes und nachhaltige Entwicklung verfügen.


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WIN, Workplace Inclusion Neurodiversity

Problems in the field of communication and social interaction significantly affect the success of neurodivergent individuals in job interviews and subsequent workplace communication with colleagues

In-Salads, Promoting Sustainable Food and Healthy Nutrition through Intercultural Salads Exchange

The Erasmus+ project „In-Salads“ aims to promote sustainability in the field of food and nutrition by involving adults and their educators in a process of

Natural Origins, Promoting Entrepreneurship among Young People with Migrant Background, focusing on the Trade of Natural Products


The project aims to foster the social inclusion of young people with a migrant background through the development of an entrepreneurial mindset that supports them

Sharing Design Your Job

The Sharing Design Your Job is an Eramus+ project that aims to enhance developed ICT educational programs and create complementarity with the needs of the

DHeLiDA, Digital Health Literacy for Disadvantaged Adults Digital

The project DHeLiDA: Digital Health Literacy for Disadvantaged Adults is a European cooperation project aimed at improving the digital health literacy among vulnerable target groups,

W4GEA, Young Women for Grassroots Engagement Actions

The W4GEA project aims at improving the social and labour market integration of young women with low basic skills by improving youth workers’ capacity to