European Grants International Academy Srl verfügt über langjährige Erfahrung im Aufbau und in der Koordinierung strategischer Partnerschaften für die Durchführung von Projekten, die mit öffentlichen und privaten Mitteln finanziert werden. EGInA arbeitet mit einem Team von Projektmanager:innen zusammen, die Erfahrung in der Verwaltung und Berichterstattung von strukturellen und zentralisierten Fonds der Europäischen Kommission haben und über einen akademisch-professionellen Hintergrund in den Bereichen allgemeine und berufliche Bildung, digitale Innovation mit sozialen Auswirkungen, Aufwertung des kulturellen Erbes und nachhaltige Entwicklung verfügen.


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ENNE, European National Networks for the Enhancement of VET

ENNE is a European Project that supports the establishment of 5 national networks of VET – Vocal Education and Training in all 5 countries involved.

SCoopConSS, Social Cooperative Contest for Secondary Schools

SCoopConSS project wants to build a Community of Practice for European secondary school teachers interested in using different entrepreneurial methods based on cooperative principles. SCoopConSS

Biz4Fun, Let’s have fun with the business start-up

The main objective of Biz4Fun is to increase the competitiveness of young, mostly inexperienced people, on the job market in partners‘ countries. Young people usually

IntoQuality, Association of Quality Intermediary Organizations Fostering Mobility in Europe

According to the Paper “Promoting the learning mobility of young people” by the European Commission, students‘ mobility: Can strengthen students‘ employability, as well as their

EURspace: European IVT Recognition Gateway

The „EURspace: European IVT Recognition Gateway“ Project is financed by the Erasmus+ Programme and aims to contribute to the development of a European skills and

ScienceGirls Teenage girls as co-creators of science learning engagement

ScienGirls intende accrescere il coinvolgimento delle studentesse di Scuola Secondaria nello studio delle discipline STEM, sperimentando metodologie didattiche attive e partecipative. Con il supporto della

iYouth: Empowering Europe’s Young Innovators – the desire to innovate

The Commission calls upon European initiatives to carry out considerable experimentation in the field of fostering innovation interest, engagement and capacity among students in early

EN.GA.G.E. ENtrepreneurial GAmes for Growing Europeans

The Erasmus+ Project „E.N.G.A.G.E.“ – ENtrepreneurial GAmes for Growing Europeans – aims to promote an early entrepreneurial mindset in education is one of the most