WAAT, last project event in Italy

From 25 to 28 April 2022 in Foligno (Italy) will take place the last event of WAAT – We are all together to raise awareness of cultural heritage – an erasmusplus project that started more than one year ago. On Wednesday, 27 April, there will be the last appointment at Museo Capitolare Diocesano.

All project partners – Plunge public library, ICARUS, Quiosq, EGInA SRL, MERIG and Cepa de Olmedo – have realized the main activities and materials such as: guides and videos addressed to the cultural heritage educators.

The project aims to preserve and pass on cultural heritage through generations finding solutions to the new challenges it is facing today. The objective is to guide and motivate through innovation and creativity adult educators to form learners on European cultural heritage, its value, history and rich diversity.
 Professionals working in culture, heritage management, adult education and research institutions unite competences to develop new learning systems and digital movies to raise awareness on cultural heritage.

Have a look at the Platform, sign up here.

To see the Guides addressed to Educators WAAT GUIDE.

To see all the Italian videos:

For more information and discover all the main materials and videos produced we suggest you to have a look at the official project website here.

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