BIBLIO, Boosting digital skills and competences for librarians in Europe

Resultados do projeto

The digital transformation is changing the role of libraries and library professionals, and it’s not always easy to understand and adapt to it.

Our BIBLIO aims to analyse the library sector, to highlight skills gap, changes and needs, and to support the librarianship in gaining new skills and developing new innovative services. You can consider BIBLIO as an evolving meta-library, an interactive guideline and a reference for enhancing your digital knowledge.

It aims to inspire and create best practices to contribute to the digital transformation of libraries, starting by considering the role of people who work there already and those who do not yet but wish to work with an innovative approach. BIBLIO has a significant impact mostly on library professionals, unemployed people in the library sector and libraries, by enabling them to manage and offer innovative digital tools and services for users.


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