
A European Grants International Academy Srl tem uma experiência de longo prazo na criação e coordenação de parcerias estratégicas para a implementação de projectos financiados por fundos públicos e privados. A EGInA coopera com uma equipa de gestores de projectos especializada na gestão e informação de fundos estruturais e centralizados da Comissão Europeia. Todos eles têm formação académico-profissional nos domínios da educação e formação profissional, inovação digital com impacto social, valorização do património cultural e desenvolvimento sustentável.


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WIN, Workplace Inclusion Neurodiversity

Problems in the field of communication and social interaction significantly affect the success of neurodivergent individuals in job interviews and subsequent workplace communication with colleagues

FACE IT! Facing the impact of climate change through sustainable farming

FACE IT! project (FACING THE IMPACT OF CLIMATE CHANGE THROUGH SUSTAINABLE FARMING) aims to fosterthe growth of organic farming in nurseries by enhancing the environmental

In-Salads, Promoting Sustainable Food and Healthy Nutrition through Intercultural Salads Exchange

The Erasmus+ project “In-Salads” aims to promote sustainability in the field of food and nutrition by involving adults and their educators in a process of

Circular4Hospitality, E-Training toolkit for managers of sustainability for the integration of the circularity strategy in the hotel sector

The CIRCULAR4Hospitality project: ‘E-Training toolkit for managers of sustainability for the integration of the circularity strategy in the hotel sector’ is a European initiative designed

NEB VET Label, New European Bauhaus Label for VET


Utilising the New European Bauhaus (NEB) Compass as a foundation and starting point, we will create and implement a comprehensive and homogeneous framework to assess

ECO-JOBS, Eco-innovation in the job market for VET students


Today’s students need to be better equipped to cope with a world of work whose characteristics are increasingly distant from those of past generations. The

EMPOWER4DigiLinE, EMPOWER for Digital Linguistic Education


This project builds on the work of the highly successful Fit for Digital Linguistic Education Erasmus+ project (2020-2023: The same group of dedicated project

ENNE+, Enhancing VET National Networks through Ecoinnovation

Il progetto ENNE+ amplierà le buone pratiche della metodologia Social Hackademy, adattandola al sistema di istruzione e formazione professionale (IFP) e testandola direttamente in 4

SHIFT4IT, Shifting the paradigm for women in IT sector

While the world of work continually goes through changes and experiences challenges and turmoil, one thing stays constant and will remain so in the future:

Natural Origins, Promoting Entrepreneurship among Young People with Migrant Background, focusing on the Trade of Natural Products


The project aims to foster the social inclusion of young people with a migrant background through the development of an entrepreneurial mindset that supports them

LINEup, Longitudinal data for INequalities in Education

LINEup aims at identifying key success factors for quality education for all, by mapping and analysing the research design and findings of existing longitudinal data on

EcoFarms4Prisons, Cooperation for the improvement of sustainable and organic social farming practices in prison

The Erasmus+ project “EcoFarms4Prisons” – Cooperation for the improvement of sustainable and organic social farming practices in prison – started in September 2023, and it



The project aims at digital skilling up of healthcare professionals towards supporting the ever-demanding TeleCareservices. In this respect, it connects the development of digital competence

CAXATO, European Cultural Exchange and Learning Path


The CAXATO project aims to generate a learning ecosystem with the Pilgrim’s Way to Santiago, where adults over 50 are protagonists and actors of their

GREEN AT YOU, Social Innovations for Inclusive Green and Digital Jobs


Green@you aims to create more inclusive and equal job opportunities in the green sector by providing skills training in key sub-sectors and micro-credential certifications for

SEED4AFRICA, Smart Entrepreneurial Education & Training for Digital Farming in Africa


The SEED4AFRICA project aims to enhance the professional profile of African VET teachers and trainers in the field of agriculture and rural development by offering

Fe-Arty, Festivals, Art Therapy and Young People

Through FE-ARTY we intend to present the different forms of art therapy that are carried out by involving young people with mental health problems, in

K-TOUR, A Key for sustainable and accessible tourism

Environmental and climate actions are key priorities for the EU now and in the future. We want to make a contribution to this by applying

CO-HOST, Creating Opportunities for VET mobility in HOSpitality and Tourism


The general objective of CO-HOST is to support the realization of mobility projects between EU member states and Western Balkans countries, aimed at the enhancement

YESSS, Social Sustainability Strategies for Youth


The YESSS project enables young people aged 16 to 30 from any socio-economic background, with or without specific skills and from rural and isolated areas,

Digcomp HUB


DigComp Hub – Promoting the adoption of the European Digital Competence Framework for Citizens (DigComp) through the development of the DigComp HubThe DigComp Hub (DCH),

EDIFY_EDU, Equality, Diversity, Inclusion For improving the qualitY of Management EDUcation

The project addresses the skills gap in the sector of Management education with regards to competencies on equality, diversity, and inclusion (from now on EDI),

BLISS, Boosting health LIteracy for School Students

BLISS – Boosting health LIteracy for School Students – KA220-SCH – is a two-year cooperation project in the field of school education. BLISS aims to

AI4AL, Artificial Intelligence 4 Adult Learning

AI-based solutions can transform adult learning provision by leading to improved skills assessment and tailor-made learning opportunities. The overall goal of AI4AL is to facilitate a mindful

ECOLitAct, Eco-Literacy and Green Education for Climate Action

Eco-Literacy and Green Education for Climate Action, shortened to ECOLitAct, is a 30-months Erasmus-funded project aiming to develop an innovative, inclusive, self-paced and adaptable approach

Sharing Design Your Job

The Sharing Design Your Job is an Eramus+ project that aims to enhance developed ICT educational programs and create complementarity with the needs of the

YOU_WEEN! YOUng Women grEen ENtrepreneurs

The aim of the Erasmus+YOU_WEEN! project is to train young women in rural areas on sustainable development, entrepreneurship and innovation by involving them in grass-roots

Social Tech Academy

The Social Tech Academy project aims to provide the keys to entry and orientation in the digital transformation of the social economy by discovering the

ADELE, Advancing Digital Empowerment of Libraries in Europe

ADELE – Advancing Digital Empowerment of Libraries in Europe – è un progetto Erasmusplus KA220. Le tecnologie digitali hanno cambiato profondamente la nostra vita personale,

Happy School, school favourable to mental health

Happy School – school favourable to mental health – is a KA220 Erasmusplus project focused on mental health at school. The COVID-19 crisis has caused

Urban Youth Gardens

Il progetto Erasmus plus “Urban Youth Gardens” è nato per avvicinare i giovani alla natura. Tutti i Paesi che fanno parte di questo progetto stanno

YOUNGreen, Young Green Entrepreneurship

Green entrepreneurship (KA2 Project) and the circular economy provide an effective and alternative solution to tackle youth unemployment while helping to implement Europe’s climate goals.

DHeLiDA, Digital Health Literacy for Disadvantaged Adults Digital


The project DHeLiDA: Digital Health Literacy for Disadvantaged Adults is a European cooperation project aimed at improving the digital health literacy among vulnerable target groups,

Innovation Station, a new approach towards online and blended education


The education system is not open to change due to the lack of time and space for teachers to experiment with new styles and methods,

WINBIZ, Women’s Innovative Business Incubation Zone

The WINBIZ project involves migrant women or women with a non-Western background, with medium-high levels of education, in a training pathway aimed at enabling the

IQ-DigitS, Interoperability of Qualifications –by building Sustainable Digital credentials Infrastructure


In an increasingly globalized society, there is a need for vocational and adult education policies to be adjusted and internationalized accordingly. Erasmus+KA2 project IQ-digitS has

SPINTeams, University Spin-offs Alliance

University Spin-offs Alliance: From the idea to the market through mentoring and transnational entrepreneurial teams. SPINTeams aims at improving the entrepreneurial and business skills of

Good DEEDs, Digital Energy Efficiency Designers

The European Good DEEDS Challenge was created to generate 3 long-term positive effects: To bring the attention of a large audience to the issue of

DIGIAGRIMARK, Safe Digital Marketing for Agripreneurs

The DIGIAGRIMARK KA2 Project aims to contribute to digitalisation in agriculture and so improving the economic and environmental sustainability of the agricultural sector through improving

EuCitizens Bevagna

The theme of intergenerational confrontation was chosen as a source for the involvement of citizenship and enhancement of local heritage, offering a sharing structure and

AGROGEN, the Mountain Agriculture as an opportunity for Youth

AGROGEN is a strategic partnership for youth that aims to the exchange of good practices in order to offer non-formal, practical, and tailor-made training to

W4GEA, Young Women for Grassroots Engagement Actions

The W4GEA project aims at improving the social and labour market integration of young women with low basic skills by improving youth workers’ capacity to

MonA, Museopedagogy and Augmented Reality

The MONA project aims to bring culture closer to young people and especially schools through the creation of an integrated educational programme delivered in four

PhotoFX, Photos to fight Xclusion

The project aims to involve and develop skills and abilities of young people aged between 16 and 30 years old, in the field of the

CrAL, Creative Audiovisual Lab for the Promotion of the Critical Thinking and Media Literacy

CrAL aims to address the insufficient media literacy of young people (14-19 years old) and provide them with the necessary tools to understand the world

SEED, Smart Entrepreneurial Education and training in Digital farming

The Smart Entrepreneurial Education and training in Digital farming – SEED project develops skills in agriculture by introducing a digital transformation in the profession. The

Cultour+, Innovation and Capacity Building in Higher Education for Cultural Management, Hospitality and Sustainable Tourism in European Cultural Routes

European cultural routes and heritage represent a resource for innovation, creativity, small business creation, and cultural tourism products and services development. The promotion of cultural

TBG, Transnational Business Groups

Transnational Business Groups is a KA2 strategic partnership (VET) that aims at transferring the model of the initiative “A Scuola d’Impresa” (“At School of Business”)

Level Up, Digital Skills for Adults with Blue-Collar Occupations

Level Up aims at developing the digital skills of low-skilled adults with blue (or pink)-collar occupations in order to support them to face the digital

SILVHER, Safeguarding Intangible and culturaL Values and HERitage

SILVHER aims at developing and testing a blended training course for university students and researchers on digital valorization and the creation of Cultural Heritage. The

Design Your Job 3

Design Your Job 3 is a capacity-building project in the field of Youth. The project goal is to develop and test specific IT program (web

QAECVET, Quality Assurance in ECVET Mobility

The ECVET Recommendation invites European Countries to apply quality assurance when using ECVET. The main aim of the Project is to enlighten VET stakeholders on

EAER, European Action for Employment in Recovery

Across the EU there are divergent policies on people who use or have used drugs and alcohol. In terms of employability and employment opportunities for

I-MEET, International Mobility Experience for E-Tourism

I-MEET contributes to respond to the need for acquiring professional knowledge and skills to enable promotional and marketing strategies based on information technology (e-tourism). The

Three-dimensional Resources for Enhancing E-Skills

In line with the strategy ET2020 (ET 2020), the TREES project aims to offer students a real opportunity for personal and professional growth in order

B-Kids Business Kids

“Much entrepreneurship education practice tends to be ad hoc, varies vastly in quantity and quality, is not treated systematically in the curriculum and has relied

DIGINV, Digital Invasions for the promotion of cultural Heritage

The project scales up the Digital Invasion methodology, which was developed in Italy. The methodology improves the digital and communication skills of cultural operators, helping

GBVP, Pathways to Empowerment in GBV Prevention

Pathways to empowerment in Gender-Based Violence prevention creates learning opportunities and the conditions for empowerment through awareness-raising interventions to strengthen the capacity, knowl¬edge, skills and


GOOD FOOD IS GOOD MOOD is implemented in three European countries (Macedonia, Portugal and Italy) and aims at: Improving the employability of students with less

#hackAD, Social Hackademy

Several EU policy initiatives underline that the social inclusion of young people depends on their access to ICT and on them acquiring the necessary digital

VETFest, 12 Events for Transnational and National VET networks

The VET sector faces various challenges in its course to progression: limited teamwork and exchange of good practices between VET institutions, low social recognition of

PRO-LEARN, Fostering children’s learning process and cognitive abilities through holistic approach and innovative methods

The PRO-LEARN project responds to the Europe 2020 priorities in the area of education and training, youth and early school leaving in the context of

EDA’n’EDA, Advanced Digital Experiences in Adult Education

Over the past few years, due to the digitalization process, it has become crucial to have excellent digital knowledge and skills in order to meet

SWEDA, Sustainable Wellbeing Entrepreneurship for Diversification in Agriculture

EU rural areas are changing and one of the factors is linked to a new agricultural model that identifies multifunctionality as central to achieving economic

Digital Tourism

The project aims to develop a new VET qualification in the tourism sector. This qualification mixes both Tourism and IT skills, meeting the market new

Fit4DigiLinE, Fit 4 Digital Linguistic Education

The Erasmus+ project “Fit 4 Digital Linguistic Education” aims at 1) creating a European knowledge of digital competences for language educators and 2) providing the

The Missing Entrepreneurs, promoting capacity building of Missing Entrepreneurs for inclusive digital entrepreneurship and digital transformation of businesses

The project is based on the latest OECD report on “The Missing Entrepreneurs 2019 – Policies for inclusive entrepreneurship” that highlights the presence of under-represented

WAAT, We are all together to raise awareness of cultural heritage

The project aims to preserve and pass on cultural heritage through generations finding solutions to the new challenges it is facing today. The objective is

YOU_WEEN! YOUng Women grEen ENtrepreneurs

The aim of the Erasmus+ YOU_WEEN! project is to train young women in rural areas on sustainable development, entrepreneurship and innovation by involving them in

AMeLiE, Advanced Media Literacy Education to counter online hate-speech

The AMeLiE project involves innovative practices in the digital age and works on the theme of social inclusion: these are two aspects of fundamental importance,

BIBLIO, Boosting digital skills and competences for librarians in Europe

The digital transformation is changing the role of libraries and library professionals, and it’s not always easy to understand and adapt to it. Our BIBLIO

Cores, Charter of Common Refugee Strategies

“CORES: Charter of Common Refugee Strategies” is a European cooperation project that aims to help newly arrived refugees and the professionals working with them. CORES

Minerva, Youth-European Cultural Heritage

The project is based on the creation of a European platform with online tools for youth workers, employment agents and volunteers who work with young

FIVE, Future Improvement of Vocational Education

Project “Future Improvement of Vocational Education” (further FIVE) consists of five Vocational Education and Training centres working with low qualified and unemployed persons. FIVE aims

SMARTIES – Smart Skills Development

The project focus on the concept of smart cities/villages and the understanding of this concept by the municipalities who are the ones implementing smart solutions

Acceasy, Easy to Read Easy to Access

ACCEASY aims to promote an inclusive European heritage, accessible to people with intellectual disabilities (DI). The lack of accessibility of heritage from an intellectual point

ECOSLIGHT, Environmentally Conscious Smart Lighting

The creation of an Environmentally Conscious Smart Lighting (ECOSLIGHT) Designers training program actively enhances employability and improve career prospects of lighting-related professionals, while also helping

ENNE, European National Networks for the Enhancement of VET

ENNE is a European Project that supports the establishment of 5 national networks of VET – Vocal Education and Training in all 5 countries involved.

SCoopConSS, Social Cooperative Contest for Secondary Schools

SCoopConSS project wants to build a Community of Practice for European secondary school teachers interested in using different entrepreneurial methods based on cooperative principles. SCoopConSS

Biz4Fun, Let’s have fun with the business start-up

The main objective of Biz4Fun is to increase the competitiveness of young, mostly inexperienced people, on the job market in partners‘ countries. Young people usually

SEPLO Simplifying the Evidencing Process for Learning Outcomes

SEPLO stands for ‘Simplifying the Evidencing Process for Learning Outcomes’, a two-year European project, funded by the Erasmus Plus, delivered in partnership with 6 European

SCAW NET, Skilled Cooks and Waiters Network

The ‘Skilled Cooks and Waiters Network’ project is a project implemented by the Training Center CES – Macedonia, in cooperation with Insignare (Portugal) and EGInA

IntoQuality, Association of Quality Intermediary Organizations Fostering Mobility in Europe

According to the Paper “Promoting the learning mobility of young people” by the European Commission, students’ mobility: Can strengthen students’ employability, as well as their

EURspace: European IVT Recognition Gateway

The “EURspace: European IVT Recognition Gateway” Project is financed by the Erasmus+ Programme and aims to contribute to the development of a European skills and

Youth Work HD

Youth Work HD is a project that set up a strategic partnership aimed at setting a common ground for youth workers in the 21st century,

ScienceGirls Teenage girls as co-creators of science learning engagement

ScienGirls intends to increase the engagement of girls in Secondary schools in the study of STEM disciplines, with the support of active and participatory teaching

iYouth: Empowering Europe’s Young Innovators – the desire to innovate

The Commission calls upon European initiatives to carry out considerable experimentation in the field of fostering innovation interest, engagement and capacity among students in early

EN.GA.G.E. ENtrepreneurial GAmes for Growing Europeans

The Erasmus+ Project “E.N.G.A.G.E.” – ENtrepreneurial GAmes for Growing Europeans – aims to promote an early entrepreneurial mindset in education is one of the most

BDBO Break down or break out!

BDBO aims to find and experiment with new ways for long-term unemployed adults to break out of difficult situations, and instead of waiting for jobs,