
A European Grants International Academy Srl tem uma experiência de longo prazo na criação e coordenação de parcerias estratégicas para a implementação de projectos financiados por fundos públicos e privados. A EGInA coopera com uma equipa de gestores de projectos especializada na gestão e informação de fundos estruturais e centralizados da Comissão Europeia. Todos eles têm formação académico-profissional nos domínios da educação e formação profissional, inovação digital com impacto social, valorização do património cultural e desenvolvimento sustentável.


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  • Tópico do projeto

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  • Resultados da pesquisa

Urban Youth Gardens

Il progetto Erasmus plus “Urban Youth Gardens” è nato per avvicinare i giovani alla natura. Tutti i Paesi che fanno parte di questo progetto stanno

YOUNGreen, Young Green Entrepreneurship

Green entrepreneurship (KA2 Project) and the circular economy provide an effective and alternative solution to tackle youth unemployment while helping to implement Europe’s climate goals.

DHeLiDA, Digital Health Literacy for Disadvantaged Adults Digital


The project DHeLiDA: Digital Health Literacy for Disadvantaged Adults is a European cooperation project aimed at improving the digital health literacy among vulnerable target groups,

Innovation Station, a new approach towards online and blended education


The education system is not open to change due to the lack of time and space for teachers to experiment with new styles and methods,

WINBIZ, Women’s Innovative Business Incubation Zone

The WINBIZ project involves migrant women or women with a non-Western background, with medium-high levels of education, in a training pathway aimed at enabling the

IQ-DigitS, Interoperability of Qualifications –by building Sustainable Digital credentials Infrastructure


In an increasingly globalized society, there is a need for vocational and adult education policies to be adjusted and internationalized accordingly. Erasmus+KA2 project IQ-digitS has

SPINTeams, University Spin-offs Alliance

University Spin-offs Alliance: From the idea to the market through mentoring and transnational entrepreneurial teams. SPINTeams aims at improving the entrepreneurial and business skills of

Good DEEDs, Digital Energy Efficiency Designers

The European Good DEEDS Challenge was created to generate 3 long-term positive effects: To bring the attention of a large audience to the issue of

DIGIAGRIMARK, Safe Digital Marketing for Agripreneurs

The DIGIAGRIMARK KA2 Project aims to contribute to digitalisation in agriculture and so improving the economic and environmental sustainability of the agricultural sector through improving

EuCitizens Bevagna

The theme of intergenerational confrontation was chosen as a source for the involvement of citizenship and enhancement of local heritage, offering a sharing structure and