
A European Grants International Academy Srl tem uma experiência de longo prazo na criação e coordenação de parcerias estratégicas para a implementação de projectos financiados por fundos públicos e privados. A EGInA coopera com uma equipa de gestores de projectos especializada na gestão e informação de fundos estruturais e centralizados da Comissão Europeia. Todos eles têm formação académico-profissional nos domínios da educação e formação profissional, inovação digital com impacto social, valorização do património cultural e desenvolvimento sustentável.


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  • Tópico do projeto

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  • Resultados da pesquisa

AGROGEN, the Mountain Agriculture as an opportunity for Youth

AGROGEN is a strategic partnership for youth that aims to the exchange of good practices in order to offer non-formal, practical, and tailor-made training to

W4GEA, Young Women for Grassroots Engagement Actions

The W4GEA project aims at improving the social and labour market integration of young women with low basic skills by improving youth workers’ capacity to

MonA, Museopedagogy and Augmented Reality

The MONA project aims to bring culture closer to young people and especially schools through the creation of an integrated educational programme delivered in four

PhotoFX, Photos to fight Xclusion

The project aims to involve and develop skills and abilities of young people aged between 16 and 30 years old, in the field of the

CrAL, Creative Audiovisual Lab for the Promotion of the Critical Thinking and Media Literacy

CrAL aims to address the insufficient media literacy of young people (14-19 years old) and provide them with the necessary tools to understand the world

SEED, Smart Entrepreneurial Education and training in Digital farming

The Smart Entrepreneurial Education and training in Digital farming – SEED project develops skills in agriculture by introducing a digital transformation in the profession. The

Cultour+, Innovation and Capacity Building in Higher Education for Cultural Management, Hospitality and Sustainable Tourism in European Cultural Routes

European cultural routes and heritage represent a resource for innovation, creativity, small business creation, and cultural tourism products and services development. The promotion of cultural

TBG, Transnational Business Groups

Transnational Business Groups is a KA2 strategic partnership (VET) that aims at transferring the model of the initiative “A Scuola d’Impresa” (“At School of Business”)

Level Up, Digital Skills for Adults with Blue-Collar Occupations

Level Up aims at developing the digital skills of low-skilled adults with blue (or pink)-collar occupations in order to support them to face the digital

SILVHER, Safeguarding Intangible and culturaL Values and HERitage

SILVHER aims at developing and testing a blended training course for university students and researchers on digital valorization and the creation of Cultural Heritage. The