
A European Grants International Academy Srl tem uma experiência de longo prazo na criação e coordenação de parcerias estratégicas para a implementação de projectos financiados por fundos públicos e privados. A EGInA coopera com uma equipa de gestores de projectos especializada na gestão e informação de fundos estruturais e centralizados da Comissão Europeia. Todos eles têm formação académico-profissional nos domínios da educação e formação profissional, inovação digital com impacto social, valorização do património cultural e desenvolvimento sustentável.


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  • Resultados da pesquisa

SEPLO Simplifying the Evidencing Process for Learning Outcomes

SEPLO stands for ‘Simplifying the Evidencing Process for Learning Outcomes’, a two-year European project, funded by the Erasmus Plus, delivered in partnership with 6 European

SCAW NET, Skilled Cooks and Waiters Network

The ‘Skilled Cooks and Waiters Network’ project is a project implemented by the Training Center CES – Macedonia, in cooperation with Insignare (Portugal) and EGInA

IntoQuality, Association of Quality Intermediary Organizations Fostering Mobility in Europe

According to the Paper “Promoting the learning mobility of young people” by the European Commission, students’ mobility: Can strengthen students’ employability, as well as their

EURspace: European IVT Recognition Gateway

The “EURspace: European IVT Recognition Gateway” Project is financed by the Erasmus+ Programme and aims to contribute to the development of a European skills and

Youth Work HD

Youth Work HD is a project that set up a strategic partnership aimed at setting a common ground for youth workers in the 21st century,

ScienceGirls Teenage girls as co-creators of science learning engagement

ScienGirls intends to increase the engagement of girls in Secondary schools in the study of STEM disciplines, with the support of active and participatory teaching

iYouth: Empowering Europe’s Young Innovators – the desire to innovate

The Commission calls upon European initiatives to carry out considerable experimentation in the field of fostering innovation interest, engagement and capacity among students in early

EN.GA.G.E. ENtrepreneurial GAmes for Growing Europeans

The Erasmus+ Project “E.N.G.A.G.E.” – ENtrepreneurial GAmes for Growing Europeans – aims to promote an early entrepreneurial mindset in education is one of the most

BDBO Break down or break out!

BDBO aims to find and experiment with new ways for long-term unemployed adults to break out of difficult situations, and instead of waiting for jobs,