A European Grants International Academy Srl tem uma experiência de longo prazo na criação e coordenação de parcerias estratégicas para a implementação de projectos financiados por fundos públicos e privados. A EGInA coopera com uma equipa de gestores de projectos especializada na gestão e informação de fundos estruturais e centralizados da Comissão Europeia. Todos eles têm formação académico-profissional nos domínios da educação e formação profissional, inovação digital com impacto social, valorização do património cultural e desenvolvimento sustentável.
The blended course on “Sustainable Wellbeing Entrepreneurship for Diversification in Agriculture” has been developed by the partners of the Erasmus+ project SWEDA (Project number 2020-1-IT02-KA203-079927). The course will officially start on the
The youth exchange “Youth for European Solidarity – YES” aims to bring together 72 young people from 6 different countries, from all corners of Europe
Last September 2021 SEED – Smart Entrepreneurial Education and training in Digital farming – KA3 Eurasmusplus project finished. SEED started in 2018 and 3 work years collected
In September 2021 all Digital Tourism Partners Project attended the final event in San Sebastián, in the north of Spain. After a three-year project, the
Welcome to the 2nd SMARTIES project’s Newsletter. The Erasmus+ Smart Skills Development (SMARTIES) project officially started in September 2019, within a framework of this project,
The 14th ALL DIGITAL Summit will be held online on 13-15 October 2021 and explore Digital Skills and Tools for a Better World. The three
Partners in the SEED Project held their final partner meeting at the University of Ghent, Belgium on Tuesday 7th September 2021. The meeting was in
IO1 Summary Report: Comprehensive framework of digital skill gaps of under-represented population groups in digital entrepreneurship.
While some are enjoying the Indian summer across Europe, BIBLIO partners are working hard to get everything ready for the start of the BIBLIO MOOC this
The SWEDA Project Multiplier Event will take place next 29-30 September 2021 at the University of Kassel, Witzenhausen (Germany). All project partners will be there
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EGInA – European Grants International Academy