Nurturing Well-being: The Conclusion of the Happy School Project

In February 2024, the curtains closed on the Happy School Project, a groundbreaking initiative designed to cultivate a school environment conducive to mental health. Born from the interconnectedness of children, teachers, school personnel, and parents, the project aimed to gauge the well-being of the entire school community. As we bid farewell to this transformative project, we would like to reflect on its development, objectives, and the impactful results it has yielded.

The Three Pillars: Children, Teachers, and Parents

The essence of any school lies in its primary actors—the children, teachers, and parents. The Happy School Project recognizes the symbiotic relationship among these groups, and it was conceived to foster quality connections within the school community. By understanding how each group perceived the strengths and weaknesses of the school, the project wanted to paint a holistic picture of the school’s health and guide it toward a positive direction.

Assessing Well-being through Collaboration

The heart of the Happy School Project is to grant the school’s community well-being. The questionnaire that was developed became the tool for students, teachers, parents, and school staff to voice their perspectives on school life. Developed by field experts, the questionnaire focused on 11 macro-criteria, delving into various aspects of the school experience.

Schools that answered to the self-assessment tool, had the chance to see their results in a comprehensive chart, illuminating the areas where the school thrived and those requiring attention. Armed with this insight, the school administration gained access to a wealth of generic and specific resources, offering guidance on enhancing the well-being of everyone involved.

Two Years of Dedicated Effort

For two years, a dedicated team worked on the project, preparing and refining the initiative. The culmination of this effort manifested in a dynamic period marked by multiplier events and disseminations across partner schools in Italy, Lithuania, and Estonia.

During these events, schools involved in the project embraced the self-assessment tool, eager to evaluate the health of their educational communities. Piloting events in the consortium schools garnered positive feedback, highlighting the project’s relevance and impact.

A Catalyst for Change

As the project concluded, its impact resonated across borders. Schools that embraced the Happy School Project saw the opportunity to change their approach to well-being. The self-assessment tool emerged as a catalyst for change, enabling schools to identify areas for improvement and implement targeted strategies.

The Happy School Project’s legacy extends beyond its conclusion. It leaves behind empowered schools, armed with insights and tools to nurture a positive and supportive environment. The journey may have concluded, but the ripple effects of this initiative will continue to shape the well-being of countless school communities for years to come.


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