WINBIZ, Women’s Innovative Business Incubation Zone

Resultados do projeto

The WINBIZ project involves migrant women or women with a non-Western background, with medium-high levels of education, in a training pathway aimed at enabling the acquisition and development of personal, transversal and specific competencies and skills necessary for their full integration/reintegration in the European labour market, thus generating well-being for themselves and for the society they live in.
WINBIZ aims to:
  • Contribute to the development of migrant women’s competencies in adult education through high-quality learning;
  • Contribute to the promotion of open education and the development of methodological, didactic and technical innovations for the promotion of women’s social entrepreneurship Such objectives are achieved through the production of four works of art created during the project. This will be possible through the production of four works of art created during the project, as explained below.

–  A social and training needs research report;

– An online toolkit for trainers and tutors;

– A 150-hour-modular course to be structured in blended mode;

– A catalogue of business plans, bringing together the 15 best operational business plans developed by the women who have successfully followed the MOOC.


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